Response for preflight has invalid http status code 500
Response for preflight has invalid http status code 500

However, modifying the response in every controller or even return the files with pure PHP instead of ngix would be counterproductive and very inefficient. You'll find the same "XMLHttpRequest cannot load" error in the console in both cases so you'll need to add the mentioned header in every response. If you execute an XMLHttpRequest from the browser to an endpoint of your app ( with Javascript from another website ( ) using the following code: $.getJSON(" function(data)

response for preflight has invalid http status code 500 response for preflight has invalid http status code 500

you need to) using CORS to open it up for universal JavaScript/browser access. So if you serve public content, you need to consider (someway. Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) is a specification that enables truly open access across domain-boundaries. This policy was someway redundant, because, what if your project needs to share some information with third party websites? To solve this issue, we use the CORS specification in our server. That means, in short words that to create a request to a website A we need to send it from the same website A, if you do it from the website B then the policy will apply and you'll find the error in the console. The origin is defined as a combination of URI scheme ( or etc), hostname (and port number (tipically port 80). This security measure is the Same-Origin policy, this policy establishes that a web browser permits scripts contained in a first web page ( to access data in a second web page ( but only if both web pages have the same origin. This error will be found and reported in the client side when someone requests with Javascript (AJAX) to an endpoint of your Symfony project, that usually (but not necessarily) is an API. In most cases this error cannot be solved in the client side, as the error is actually caused by the server which in turn is not an error but a "security measure".

Response for preflight has invalid http status code 500